
 NAME  Peakit
Meaning: named after a butterfly pea plant.
Nicknames: n/a
 GENDER  Female
Pronouns: she / her
 RANK  Kit
Former Ranks: n/a
Age: 0 moons
Mentor: n/a
Apprentice: n/a

Likes: Long conversations, races, winning, praise, flowers, listening to stories.
Dislikes: Quiet, storms, staying in one place for too long, meanies, bullying.
 FAMILY  Pea has a relatively small family compared to some of her clanmembers. She has her mother, Quail, who she loves dearly and will relentlessly stick by her side. Then there's her father, Buck, who she knows little about. Since Quail seems to talk so highly about him, Peakit's come to the conclusion that he's a pretty cool guy! She hopes to one day meet him.Then there's her brother Piekit. He's quieter than Peakit, so she has to make sure that just cause he's soft-spoken, he's not overlooked! She cares about him deeply, as he was her first best friend in this world! ROMANTICS  as a kit she is not open!
Orientation: too young
Partner: n/a
Past Crushes/Partners: n/a





protective, loving, confident - OPINIONATED, HEADSTRONG - over-zealous, stubborn, short-tempered PERSONALITY  Peakit is a rather unique cat, having the self-assurance and confidence of a kit much older than her age. She trots this earth as if she's been around the block before, not daring to stop and think that maybe she doesn't always know what she's doing. She is a rather personable kit - wanting to get to know everyone in the nursery. The adventurous spirit dwells deep in her chest, and Peakit wants nothing more than to feed into it. Always wanting to explore outside the confines of the den, she's strong-headed and determined to discover every wonder the clan has to offer. Slippery and smart, Peakit is quite the handful to manage.Along with her strong spirit, Peakit struggles to see life outside of herself. She doesn't take direction well, always wanting to see if her way works first before she can even listen to others' inputs. She can be difficult to work with if you don't see eye to eye, but she will be far from mean about it. Just stubborn. She is capable of so much love and loyalty but she also packs a mean punch when others cross her or even dare to think little of her.Wanting to have her partner in crime with her at every moment, Peakit tries her hardest to recruit her brother in her misbehaving. She always wants to involve him wherever she can. Her family is the most important thing to her - so spending time with her precious brother is something she strives for. Wanting to bolster his confidence and aid in his self-advocacy, she really goes out of her way to make sure her brother is happy and taken care of.Another cat near and dear to little Peakit is her mother Quail! Seeing her mother be so strong and kind inspires Peakit to make her proud. She wants to be as regal and kind as her mother, and even though she struggles to keep herself in check, she has the spirit to live up to her mother's name and nature. Peakit always puts 110% into everything she does, and loving her family is her primary focus. APPEARANCE  Adorned with a smokey, long coat, Peakit has a dull coloring with dark furs. She has her mother's accents of cream on her right cheek, the light streaks going down to her neck. She has very round features, from her fur to her face to her distinct ears. The first thing to note about the she-kit is her large round ears. Sitting tall on her head, her mouse-like ears are from her mother. They're almost as expressive as the kit herself, swerving with each thought and emotion that crosses her mind.Something that's almost as iconic as her large ears is her head whisker. Curved and prominent, she has a single, distinctive whisker that seems to always be seen. She loves her little whisker very much, since it matches her mother and brother! It's like she has a part of them with her always. Her fluffy tail is known to have rather round shapes akin to main coon fur, and Peakit tries her best to keep the behemoth of fur behind her neat and clean!Amongst the dark fur is small kisses of light, her cheek being lightly brushed with cream tones but also her tail tip and toes. Different on every paw, she has small accents of white. Because of her energetic, excitable nature, Peakit always has some sort of leaves or twigs stuck in her fur, and has the comforting scent of earth surrounding her. She never intentionally tries to adorn herself with accessories, they just seem to latch themselves onto her fur.Her build is average in size for her age, with a leaner composure. She wants to be big and intimidating one day, but for now she's just a little energetic kit.


 KITHOOD  Born to Quail, Peakit was a rather active kitten. She came out with the need to wriggle around and make a statement. APPRENTICESHIP  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at leo purus. Nulla ac enim vel est efficitur tristique id ut nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. In sed urna vitae erat tincidunt luctus non non odio. Morbi quis condimentum lacus. Sed ac leo efficitur, pellentesque lectus sit amet, dapibus dolor. ADULTHOOD  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at leo purus. Nulla ac enim vel est efficitur tristique id ut nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. In sed urna vitae erat tincidunt luctus non non odio. Morbi quis condimentum lacus. Sed ac leo efficitur, pellentesque lectus sit amet, dapibus dolor.

 EVENT  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at leo purus. Nulla ac enim vel est efficitur tristique id ut nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. In sed urna vitae erat tincidunt luctus non non odio. Morbi quis condimentum lacus. Sed ac leo efficitur, pellentesque lectus sit amet, dapibus dolor. EVENT  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at leo purus. Nulla ac enim vel est efficitur tristique id ut nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. In sed urna vitae erat tincidunt luctus non non odio. Morbi quis condimentum lacus. Sed ac leo efficitur, pellentesque lectus sit amet, dapibus dolor.


 QUAIL mother♥♥♥♥♥
 PIEKIT brother♥♥♥♥♥
 NAME link♡♡♡♡♡
 NAME link♡♡♡♡♡
 NAME link♡♡♡♡♡
 NAME link♡♡♡♡♡